Nuanced follows a versioning scheme based on Semantic Versioning with inspiration from the pandas versioning policy.
Version Format
Nuanced version numbers follow the format: X.Y.Z
(Major): Changes that break backward compatibilityY
(Minor): New features without breaking backward compatibilityZ
(Patch): Bug fixes and minor improvements
Version Policy
Major Versions (X.0.0): Released when introducing incompatible API changes. We aim to minimize these disruptions and provide clear migration guides.
Minor Versions (0.Y.0): Released when adding functionality in a backward-compatible manner. This includes new features, extensions to existing features, and significant refactoring.
Patch Versions (0.0.Z): Released for backward-compatible bug fixes, performance improvements, and documentation updates.
Development Versions
Development versions will be denoted with a suffix:
- Alpha:
(for internal development) - Beta:
(for wider testing) - Release Candidate:
(final testing before release)
Deprecation Policy
- Features will be deprecated rather than removed immediately
- Deprecated features will raise warnings for at least two minor releases before removal
- Removal will only occur in major version updates
- The deprecation timeline will be clearly documented
Release Process
Nuanced follows this release process for creating and publishing new versions:
Prepare Changes
- Make and test changes to source code
- Update documentation to reflect changes
- Ensure test coverage for new features and bug fixes
Update Documentation
- Document your changes in
following the Keep a Changelog format - Update version numbers in documentation
- Build and verify documentation
- Document your changes in
Version Bump
- Update your package’s version number in:
attribute)- Any other version-dependent files
- Commit version changes with message “Bump version to X.Y.Z”
- Update your package’s version number in:
Quality Assurance
- Run complete test suite, if applicable
- Verify documentation builds correctly
- Conduct final code review
Create Release
- Tag release:
git tag vX.Y.Z
- Push tag:
git push origin vX.Y.Z
- Create GitHub release with:
- Version as title
- Changelog entries as description
- Any relevant migration notes
- Tag release:
Publish Package
- Build distribution packages:
python -m build
- Verify package contents
- Upload to PyPI:
python -m twine upload dist/*
- Verify package installation from PyPI
- Build distribution packages:
- Announce release through appropriate channels
- Bump version to next development version
- Update roadmap and milestones for upcoming work